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125 crpc petition format

125 crpc petition format | Petition for Maintenance under Section 125 of CrPC for claiming Maintenance to Wife, Children and Parents | Interim maintenance petition format| Application maintenance under section 125 CrPC format| maintenance under section 125 crpc 




1-          Smt. Shabana wife of  Shahrukh

2-          Baby Aaisa  aged about 2 ½ years D/o Shahrukh

3-          Baby Raiba aged about 5 months D/o Shahrukh  

Minor petitioners No.2 and 3 through their mother next friend and natural guardian Smt. Shabana wife of Shahrukh  

All residents of ____________________________________________



 Shahrukh son of Sh. ___________________, R/o __________________.



Respectfully Showeth:-

1-          That the petitioner No.1 was married with the respondent on 22-06-2007 according to muslim rites and ceremonies at and out of this wedlock petition no. 2 & 3 were born out.     

2-          That the parents of the petitioner No.1 had spent about Rs. 3,00,000/- in this marriage and had given sufficient dowry to the respondent and his family members according to their capacity.

3-        That since the very day of the marriage the respondent and his family members were not happy and satisfied with the dowry articles and as soon as the petitioner No.1 reached at her matrimonial home on the same day the respondent had beaten the petitioner No.1 black and blue and had clearly threatened the petitioner No.1 until and unless her parents does not fulfill the demand of Rs. 1,50,000/- cash and Alto car they are not going to keep her with them.

4-          That on the same night the respondent had again beaten the petitioner No.1 by first and blows and when the petitioner No.1 started crying due to injuries and pain the family members of the respondent had come there and they had also beaten the petitioner No.1 and threatened her if she cries in her loud voice she would be killed.

5-       That the petitioner No.1 had disclosed the factum of demands of the respondent and his family members and her physical and mental harassment caused by the respondent and his family members to her parents when she came back to her parental home after the marriage. Upon this the parents of the petitioner No.1 had organized a Panchayat of respectables of the society at the house of the respondent where the respondent and his family members have clearly told to the parents of the petitioner No.1 as well as to the members of the Panchayat that they were expecting of Rs. 1,50,000/- cash and Alto Car in the marriage but their this demand has not been fulfilled but somehow they were ready to keep the petitioner No.1 with them due to the pressure of the Panchayat.

6-          That the respondent and his family members had been continued to harass and torture the petitioner No.1 and made the life of the petitioner No.1 complete a hell and treated her nothing more than a maid servant and forced her to do all the menial work and kept on pressurizing the petitioner No.1 that until and unless their demand is not meted out she will be treated like this.

7-          That the petitioner No.1 continued to bear the torture inflicted upon her by the respondent and his family members for the sake of the respects of her parents and as well as in the hope that some day her life might be settled and in the meanwhile the petitioner No.1 was got pregnant.

8-          That when the petitioner No.1 was at the advance stage of pregnancy then the respondent and his family members had shunted her out of her matrimonial home and told the petitioner No.1 that you give birth to the baby at your parental home and thereafter if our demands are satisfied then we will bring you back.

9-          That the petitioner No.1 had given birth to her elder daughter at her parental home and after the birth the parents of the petitioner No.1 had given two buffaloes each worth Rs. 35000/- were given to the respondent and his family members then only they had taken back the petitioner No.1 with them.    

10-      That in the meanwhile the respondent and his family members started planning to have a second wife for the respondent in collusion with  each other  and when the petitioner No.1 objected to it she was shunted out from her matrimonial home about 7 months ago and even at this time the petitioner No.1  was at an advance stage of  pregnancy and she has given birth to her second daughter namely at her parental home only.

11-      That since then a number of Biradari Panchayats have been convened but the respondent and his family members are adamant upon their demand for Rs. 1,50,000/- cash and an Alto Car and are not taking back the petitioner No.1 to her matrimonial home and have been threatening that they will get a second marriage for the respondent and if the petitioner No.1 is sent back to them then she will face dire consequences.

12-      That a period of 7 months has been elapsed and the petitioner No.1 has been residing at her parental home at village ___________________ with her two minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 who are hardly able to support her and her two daughters and the life of the petitioner No.1 has become a complete hell and the respondents are not ready and willing to take back the petitioner No.1 and to maintain her and her minor daughters and our lives have been completely spoiled.

13-      That the petitioner No.1 has also filed a complaint against the respondents before the Office of ______________ which is being investigated by the police. The copy of the complaint is enclosed herewith. 

14-      That the petitioner No.1 has no individual source of income and she is not skilled and is illiterate lady. The petitioner No.1 does not know any work and she is unable to maintain herself as well as two minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 and she is fully depending for food, shelter and clothes on her adopted parents who are unable to maintain herself.

15-      That the respondent is having sufficient source of income as the respondent alongwith his family members are owners of stone mines and as well as the respondent is running a Milk Dairy and also having about 5 Acres of the agricultural land from which he is handsomely earning and his father is also in the business of stone mining and the total income of the respondent is about Rs. 50000/- per month The respondent has refused to maintain and keep the petitioner No.1 and her minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 without any reasonable cause and without any reasonable justifiable cause just for the reason that their demands of dowry as has been desired by them has not been meted out. The respondent has no liability except the liability of the petitioners.

16-      That the cause of action to file the present petition accrued from time to time when the respondents had mercilessly beaten the petitioner No.1 and even threatened to kill her and demanded an alto car and cash Rs. 1,50,000/- cash and an Alto Car from her and her parents. The cause of action accrued when the respondent refused to keep and maintain even in front of the respectable of the Panchayat and kept adamant upon their demands. The further arose on 20-08-2010 when the respondent and his family members turned out from her matrimonial home and it finally arose on 28-02-2011 when the respondent finally refused to keep and maintain the petitioners. 

17-      That the petitioner is residing at _________ within the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court hence this Hon’ble court has got the jurisdiction to entertain and try the present petition.

18-      That the fixed court fee has been affixed on the petition.


It is, therefore, prayed that the petition of the petitioners may kindly be accepted and the respondent may kindly be directed to pay Rs. 15,000/- per month as maintenance allowances to the petitioners from the date of filing of the petition along with costs of the petition



Verified that the contents of the Paras No.1 to 17 of the Petition are true and correct and true to the best of our knowledge and Paras No. 18 & 19 of the Petition are true to best of our knowledge as per the information derived from the records. The last Para is the prayer before this Hon’ble court.

Verified at ____________                                             Petitioners 



                        Smt. Shabana etc.      Vs.            Shahrukh



I, Smt. Shabana wife of Sharukh, R/o ______________________   do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1-         That the deponent has filed the petition Under Section 125 Cr. P.C.  today before this Hon’ble court, the contents of which have been read over to me by my counsel in simple Hindi which are true to best of my knowledge and be read as part and parcel of this affidavit for the sake of brevity and avoidance of repetition.



         Verified that the contents of my above affidavit are true to best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at ________




                        Smt. Shabana etc.                Vs.            Shahrukh


Application for grant of Ad-Interim Maintenance Pententelite to the applicants/petitioners

Respectfully Showeth:

  1. That the petitioner/applicant has filed the above mentioned petition today before this Hon’ble Court the contents of which may be read part and parcel of the this application for the sake of brevity and avoidance of repetition as the same are not being reproduced here for the sake of brevity and avoidance of repetition.
  2.  That the petitioner No.1 has no individual source of income and she is not skilled and is illiterate lady. The petitioner No.1 does not know any work and she is unable to maintain herself as well as two minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 and she is fully depending for food, shelter and clothes on her adopted parents who are unable to maintain herself.
  3. That the respondent is having sufficient source of income as the respondent alongwith his family members are owners of stone mines and as well as the respondent is running a Milk Dairy and also having about 5 Acres of the agricultural land from which he is handsomely earning and his father is also in the business of stone mining and the total income of the respondent is about Rs. 50000/- per month The respondent has refused to maintain and keep the petitioner No.1 and her minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 without any reasonable cause and without any reasonable justifiable cause just for the reason that their demands of dowry as has been desired by them has not been meted out. The respondent has no liability except the liability of the petitioners.
  4. That the applicants /petitioners are entitled to receive the ad interim maintenance of Rs. 15000/- from the respondent and they are also entitled to receive the amount of Rs. 11,000/- as litigation expenses from the respondent.


               It is, therefore, prayed that the application of the applicants/petitioners may kindly be accepted and the respondent may kindly be directed Rs. 15,000/- per month as interim maintenance pendentelite to the applicants/petitioners and the respondent may also be directed to pay Rs.11,000/- litigation expenses to the applicant till the final decision of the above petition.

Dated                                                                                  Applicants/Petitioners,



                                                         Through counsel :



                   Smt. Shabana etc.                       Vs.            Shahrukh


Application for grant of Ad-Interim Maintenance Pententelite to the applicants/petitioners


I, Smt. Shabana wife of Sharukh, R/o ______________  do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1-       That the deponent has no individual source of income and she is not skilled and is illiterate lady. The deponent does not know any work and she is unable to maintain herself as well as two minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 and she is fully depending for food, shelter and clothes on her adopted parents who are unable to maintain herself.

2-   That the respondent is having sufficient source of income as the respondent alongwith his family members are owners of stone mines and as well as the respondent is running a Milk Dairy and also having about 5 Acres of the agricultural land from which he is handsomely earning and his father is also in the business of stone mining and the total income of the respondent is about Rs. 50000/- per month The respondent has refused to maintain and keep the petitioner No.1 and her minor daughters i.e. the petitioners No.2 and 3 without any reasonable cause and without any reasonable justifiable cause just for the reason that their demands of dowry as has been desired by them has not been meted out. The respondent has no liability except the liability of the petitioners.

5-              That the applicants /petitioners are entitled to receive the ad interim maintenance of Rs. 15000/- from the respondents and they are also entitled to receive the amount of Rs. 11,000/- as litigation expenses from the respondent.



         Verified that the contents of my above affidavit are true to best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.

         Verified at  ________


Also read this :


  1. Very good detailed information

  2. A formal notification between two parties alerting the other before legal action is taken to obtain their due payment is known as a legal notice for money recovery.


  3. Very informative, thanks for posting such informative content. Expecting more from you.
    Muslim Divorce Matrimony

  4. I think Govt. should take some strong action against such online fraud.

    even the big companies are not providing services to their customers.

    1546 (29-09-2029) cases are registered against Amazon in honourable consumer court.
    Link to view court orders . Consumer Court

    You can not find any cmpany address, contact number even the email id to escelate your complaint.


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