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438 bail application format

438 bail application format | application for regular bail in session court. 


Kayamu son of Sh. _________R/o_____________ village______________.



The State of Haryana

1st Application for grant of anticipatory Under Section 438 Cr. P.C.

                                                                                                            FIR NO. :
                                                                                                           U/S : 302/34 IPC
                                                                                                            P. S :

            The applicant/petitioner most respectfully prayed as under:-

1- That the applicant/petitioner has been falsely implicated in the above noted case though there is no any evidence with the prosecution to connect the applicant with the crime in question.

2- That the brief facts of the case are as under :-

“That on dated 4-6-2007 complainant Ramjan recorded his statement that today i.e. on 4-6-2007 at about 7.30 PM Kayamu, Ajru____________________, all resident of village _________had a dispute with my uncle and upon hearing noise his father went to rescue him then Kayamu inflicted a Lathi blow thrust wise upon the chest of his father and Ajru inflicted a brick bat upon his father and _______ inflicted a lathi blow on the abdomen of his father. During treatment his father namely ______ was declared dead.” On the basis of which the present FIR was lodged.

3- That the petitioner now craves for the grant of anticipatory bail on the following grounds amongst others :-

(i) That during the trial of the co-accused namely __________ the prosecution could examine four witnesses and later on the prosecution evidence was closed. And all the witnesses from PW-1 to PW-4 have resiled their version of prosecution story, so much so, that not even a single fact was admitted by them. Further the complainant i.e. PW Ramjan has specifically denied of any altercation between Kayamu etc and the deceased. All the PWs. denied about having any knowledge about the occurrence in the present case of inflicting of any injury to the deceased or any one else. The PWs categorically denied even the recording of their statement by the police which are EXP-A to EXP-C in the court file and thereby the denial even the lodging of the alleged FIR and hence finding no any incriminating evidence on the file this Hon’ble court had acquitted both the co-accused who are also the real brothers of the present petitioners.

(ii) That keeping in view the testimony of the PWs. including the complainant who allegedly were also the eyes witnesses of the occurrence there is not a slightest possibility of the conviction of the present petitioner . Hence this bail application.

(iii) That nothing is to be recovered from the possession of the petitioner and hence there is no need for his custodial interrogation of the applicant/petitioner by the police.

(iv) That petitioner is now ready to face the trial of the case.

(v) That the petitioner is ready to join the investigation as and when directed by this Hon’ble court.

(vi) That the petitioner is ready to abide by all and every conditions as may be imposed by this Hon’ble court.

(vii) That there is no likelihood of his tempering with the prosecution evidence nor evading to take the trial.

viii) That arrest warrants of the petitioner has been issued by the court of _______________ for ________ and he is having apprehension for his arrest by the police of P.S. ______ at any time.

                               It is, therefore, prayed that the petitioners may kindly be granted anticipatory bail and SHO/I.O, of P.S. __________ may kindly be directed to release the petitioner on bail in the event of his arrest, in the interest of justice.

Through counsel

(Affidavit in support of bail application)


Kayamu son of Sh. _________R/o__________ village___________



The State of Haryana

1st Application for grant of anticipatory Bail Under Section 438 Cr. P.C.

U/S : 302/34 IPC
P. S :

I, Kayamu son of Sh. _______________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1 1- That the present bail application is 1st Anticipatory bail application u/s 438 Cr. P.C. in the above noted case being moved by the deponent today before this Hon’ble court


Verification:-Verified that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.

Verified at __________


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