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indemnity bond in section 8 hindu minority and guardianship act

indemnity bond in section 8 hindu minority and guardianship act | Indemnity bond of Rs. 1000000 | 

IN THE COURT OF A.C.J (SR. DIV.) ____________

                                                         Guardian Act Case No.  .

                                                         Date of Institution: 

                                                         Date of Decision: 

Smt. ___________widow of Late Sh. ______________, age about 27 years, resident of ________________________.




General Public.


Petition under section 8 of Hindu Minority  and Guardianship Act for permission to sell the share of minors namely _____

                         INDEMNITY BOND.


                        Whereas this Hon’ble Court has been pleased to grant permission to the petitioner Smt. ___________widow of Late Sh. ______________, resident of __________________________, in the above said petition to sell the agricultural land of the share of the minors namely _________________. The above said minor namely __________ is owner in possession of the agricultural land bearing Khewat/Khata No. ____________ upto the extent of his ___th share which comes out to  ___Kanal ___ Marla. The above said land has been inherited by minor from his father and acquired by relinquished deed from his grandmother vide mutations No._________. The above said minor daughter namely ___________ is owner in possession of the agricultural land bearing khewat-khata _________________ upto the extent of her ____th share which comes out to ____kanal 0 Marla. Thus total measuring of all above khewats are ____ Kanal ____ marla (hereinafter to be referred as petition property). The above said land has been inherited by minor from her father vide mutation no. ______.

The Hon’ble court granted permission to the petitioner to sell the above said land of the minors, subject to furnishing of Indemnity Bond for Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lacs only) and the petitioner would not claim her own interest adverse to that of minors in any manner, neither in sale proceeds nor in the property of minors. Petitioner was also authorized to sell share of the minors in the property in question if the price not lower than the prevailing market price to a bonafide purchaser, vide  judgment dated _________.

                       Now, I, Smt. ___________widow of Late Sh. ______________, resident of __________________________, do hereby undertakes and bind myself that I shall sell the property in question  at the rate not less than the collector rate  and the sale proceeds shall be kept in a fixed deposit of a nationalized bank according to the share of minors or otherwise the sale consideration can be sued for purchase of other immovable property in the name of minors and the interest from the fixed deposit may be withdrawn and used by the petitioner for the welfare of the minors and  In case, if I would fail to abide by the said terms and conditions, then in that case I will be bound to pay an amount of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lacs only) to the Haryana Govt., and the Haryana Govt. can recover this amount from my movable or immovable properties.

This indemnity bond has been executed by me today i.e. on dated __________.



Smt. ___________widow of Late Sh. ______________, resident of _____________________.



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