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special power of attorney for filing court case | SPA for legal matters

A Special Power of Attorney is a legal document/paper that gives an individual the power to manage the legal and even some personal decisions for the other individual. The individual for which power of attorney is given can have the powers to make broad legal decisions or these can even be limited, according to the will of the principal.


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, Parmal Singh _____________ do hereby appoint my son namely Shri Sandeep son of Sh. ________, R/o village _______(Haryana)  who is my real son as my special Power of Attorney to do the following acts.

WHEREAS I am registered owner of vehicle i.e. Mahindra Tractor bearing its Registration No. ____________bearing its Engine No. 2860 and Chassis No.2860.

I am unable to appear before the Court of Shri _____________ in the case FIR No. ____ dated _______ Under section 379/411/420 IPC P.S. _________ for getting released the said vehicle due to my illness hence I have appointed said Sandeep as my special Power of attorney in respect of the said vehicle to do the following acts and things on my behalf:-

1- To appear before the court of Shri _______/Illaka Magistrate on my behalf for getting the said vehicle released on superdari and for this purpose to move any application for superdari, furnish the surety bonds, to sign vakalatnama and to engage /appoint Advocates on my behalf and as well as to appear in the said court for superdari purpose of the said vehicle.

2-   I hereby agree that all the acts, deeds and things lawfully done by the said attorney under this Power of Attorney shall be constituted as acts, deeds and things done by me and I hereby undertakes to confirm and ratify all and whatsoever the said attorney lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.

    IN WITNESSES WHEREOF this special Power of Attorney has been signed by me in the presence of witnesses presents at ______ on this 10th day of February, _______.






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