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Supardari application



State        versus            Ravinder  

    FIR No.  

U/s:-279, 304-A,427 IPC 


Application for releasing the vehicle/Tractor Farmtrac bearing its registration no. HR-____on supardari to the applicant/owner.


              The applicant/owner humbly submits as under- 

1.   That the above vehicle/Tractor Farmtrac bearing its registration no. HR-___________ is in the custody of the police of P.S _________ and now the police of P.S _________ has not any need of the said vehicle for further investigation , so he wants to release the said vehicle on supradari from this Hon’ble court.

2.   That the applicant is the registered owner of the above mentioned vehicle and the applicant requires the same for his daily use.

3.   That the applicant/owner undertakes to be produced the said vehicle and when required by this Hon’ble court or investigation officer. 

4.   That the applicant/owner will not sell or change the shape and color of the said vehicle after releasing on supardari.  

5.   It is therefore prayed to this Hon’ble court that keeping in view the above said circumstances and submission the above said vehicle/Tractor may kindly be released on supardari to the applicant/owner.

          Dated :-             



                    Through Counsel 




State.               versus.        Ravinder  

    FIR No.  

U/s:-279, 304-A,427 IPC 



Whereas this Hon’ble Court has pleased order to release vehicle/Tractor Farmtrac bearing its registration no. HR-___________________ to its owner after furnishing supardaginama to the tune of Rs. _______________/- to the state of Haryana. That in compliance of the above said order passed by this Hon’ble Court I, _________________________________ who is the owner of the above said vehicle do hereby undertake that I shall produce the said vehicle before this Hon’ble Court as and when required to do so, in case I will fail to do so, then I shall be liable to pay a sum of Rs. ______________to the state of Haryana.

Dated :-   



I, ________________________________________________, do hereby undertake stand surety of ______________________________who is the owner of the above said vehicle/Tractor Farmtrac bearing its registration no. HR-___________________, that if the above said owner will fail to produce the above said vehicle before this Hon’ble Court as and when required to do so, then I shall produce the same before this Hon’ble Court, in case I will fail to do so, then I shall be liable to pay a sum of Rs. _____________/- to the state of Haryana.

Dated :- 



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