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Affidavit for caste certificate, Character certificate, correction in name, Ration card, scholarship etc.


1- Affidavit for making Caste Certificate. (S.C)


I, Manish Kumar son of Sh. Khem Chand, resident of ____________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1.    That I am permanently resident of the above said address.

2.    That I am belongs to Caste Koli (Hindu) (SC) which has been declared as schedule Caste by the Govt. of Haryana.

3.    That I have not Creamy Layer Category.

4.    That I have never obtained the benefit of schedule Caste Certificate from any other State of India.

5.    That a schedule Caste Certificate may kindly be issued to me.   




     Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at ________






(2) Affidavit for making Caste Certificate. (Backward Class) 


I, Sahun son of Abdul Rahim, R/o _____________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1.    That I am permanently resident of the above said address.

2.    That Tarif is my real son and his date of birth is 20.10.2002.

3.    That I belong to Caste Meo (Muslim) (BC-B) which has been declared as BACKWARD CLASS by the Govt. of Haryana.

4.    That I am not Creamy Layer Category. 

5.    That a Backward Class certificate may kindly be issued to my son.



     Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at




(3) Affidavit for making Character Certificate. 


Character Certificate

I, _________S/o____________R/o  _________________ (Haryana), do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :-

1.       That I am permanent resident of the above said address.

2.     That there is no criminal case is pending against me in any court of law anywhere in India.

3.       That I am having good moral Character and citizen of India.

4.     That I am social worker, respectable person of the society.

Date :-   


Verification :-Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at





(4) Affidavit for correction in name.


I, Jogender Kumar @ Jogender son of Sh. _________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1.    That deponent is permanent resident of above said address.

2. That the deponent known from the names of Jogender Kumar alias Jogender in the society and both the names belong to same person.

3.    That the information given by me is correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing is incorrect and concealed therein. 


Verification :-

                    Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. 



(5) Affidavit for Ration Card.


 I, Vinod Kumar S/o Shri Deepak  _________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm  and declare asunder:-

1.    That I am residing form 10 years on above said address.

2.    That I have not obtained any Ration Card from any others State.

3.    That my family members are under :-


Sr. No. :-        Name                           Relation                       Age           

1.               Vinod Kumar                             (Self)                             35

2.                Rekha                                     (Wife)                              30

3.              Gourav                                       (Son)                               3


4.    That I want to make a fresh Ration Card now.



Verification : Verified that the above affidavit are true and correct to the best  of my  knowledge and belief and nothing has  been concealed therein. Verified at




(6) Affidavit for Getting Scholarship. 



I, Nepal S/o Late Fateh Ram R/o _____________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1.    That I am the permanent resident of the above said address.

2.    That I am a student of Dr. Bheem Reo Ambedkar, College, ______.

3.    That I have studying in B.Com. 1st year, roll no. 306.

4.    That my date of birth is 01.09.1991.

5.    That I require scholarship from Labour Welfare Board for the study.

6.    That previously I have never taken any scholarship from any welfare society or board/college.

7.    That I will use the above scholarship amount for the study of myself and will not misuse the same.

8.    That I will obey all the terms and conditions of college.



          Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at _______________.




(7) Affidavit for House Tax.  



We, Lokesh Khurana son of _____________ & Sonam Khurana ___________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare  as under :-


1.              That we are the permanent resident of the above said address.

2.        That We are owners in possession of House No. 152, Housing Board Colony, Sector-XX, Faridabad

3.              That we are residing in the above said house with our family members.

4.              That there is no tenant in my above said house No. 152, Housing Board Colony, Sector-XX, Faridabad

5.              That the house uses by us for residential purpose only.



     Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at 




(8) Affidavit for Cancellation of H.P.


I, Rajesh son of Shyam lal ________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare  as under :-

1.              That I am owner of a vehicle bearing its No.HR-80-4545.

2.            That the above said vehicle financed with ABS Finance Company, Bye Pass Road, _________. 

3.            That I have paid full and final payment to the financer and now nothing is due.

4.              That the H.P. of the above said vehicle may kindly be cancelled.



     Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at _________





(9) Affidavit for EWS Category. 


I, Bhagat Singh S/o Sh. Hari Chand ___________________________, Haryana, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as under:-


1.             That I have successfully cleared the draw of lots for allotment of a EWS unit in __________ in the draw held on 05.09.2013 at HUDA Gymkhana, Club, Sector 29, Gurgaon, Haryana.

2.              That I agree and undertake that in case my name does not figure in the BPL list as on the date of the draw, the allotment I my favour shall stand cancelled with no further notice and the entire amount deposited by me towards the same shall be forfeited.

3.          That thereafter I shall be left with no right, title, lien or interest of any nature whatsoever towards the said allotment.

4.          That neither me nor anyone claiming under me shall have any right to raise objection to such cancellation and forfeiture in case my name does not figure in the BPL list on the date of the draw of lots.



Verification :-I, the above named deponent do hereby affirm and verify that the above statement of mine is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been kept concealed therein.

Dated :                                                               DEPONENT

Place  : 



(10)          Affidavit for Gas Agency. 



I, ______________________ R/o V.P.O. ________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-


1.         That I am an Indian citizen and  resident of Village ______________, State Haryana.

2.     That my date of birth is 19.11.1985 (Nineteen November,  Nineteen Hundred Eighty Five).    

3.              That I passed 10+2 examination from Haryana Board, Bhiwani.

4.           That I am married and name of my spouse is_______. That neither I nor my spouse, unmarried sons/unmarried daughter(s) have dealership/distributorship or hold letter of intent for retail outlet or SKO-LDO dealership or LPG distributorship or RGGLV of any oil company.

5.        That I hereby confirm that none of my family members (as defined in clause 3(e) of the advertisement) are employees of Oil Marketing companies.

6.              That I am of sound mental health.

7.            That I have never been convicted nor charges have ever been framed against me by any court of law for any criminal offences involving moral turpitude and/or economic offences (other than freedom struggle).

8.  That I hereby confirm that I was never a signatory to dealership/distributorship agreement of any Oil Company, which was terminated for proven malpractices and/or for violations of provisions of the marketing discipline guidelines.

9.              (a) I am aware that in case the same piece of land for godown/godown offered by me in my application for provision of LPG Godown facility is also offered by any other application for the same RGGLV, my candidature for RGGLV will be rejected.

9.     (b) I am aware that in case, the same financial instruments                mentioned at item No. 1 & 11 in my application is also                              offered by any other application for the same RGGLV, my                candidature for RGGLV will be rejected.

10.          That if any information/declaration given by me in my application or any document submitted in support of application for the award of the RGGLV Distributorship or in this affidavit shall be found to be untrue or incorrect or false, the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. would be within its rights to withdraw the letter of intent/terminate the distributorship (if already appointed) and that I would have no claim, whatsoever against the Oil Corporation for such withdrawal/termination.


Verification :

     I hereby verify and confirm that what has been stated above is true to the best of my knowledge, correct and nothing material has been concealed there from.





(11)           Affidavit for Bank Nominee.  


We, kunwar pal, shiv hari sons of, ____________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :-


1.    That our father Late Sh. ____________ has expired on 04-06-2015.

2.    That our father has left legal heirs after  his death are Kanwar Pal, shiv hari, Smt. Devi @ hemlata and Smt. Rajwati ( Name of Legal Heirs).

3. That we all are Legally nominee (authorized) on Shiv Hari son of Sh. Dharma singh to receive the amount of Rs. 9450/- with interest from account no.                          from the central co-operative bank Ltd. Faridabad on our behalf.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Deponents

Verification:-Verified that the above said contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein:-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Deponents



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