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Declaration of lien under section 4(I) of Haryana Credit Operations & Misc. Provisions (Banks) Act 1973



Declaration of lien under section 4(I) of Haryana Credit Operations & Misc.Provisions (Banks) Act 1973

I Mawasi son of Sh. _____________________________ being desirous of availing myself of financial assistance of Rs………………..………………………)from the Syndicate Bank Branch ____________________ make this declaration  as required by section 4(I) of the Haryana Agricultural Credit Operations & Misc. Provisions (Banks) Act 1973, that I/We Mawasi son of Sh. ______________________ own/have interest as a tenant in the land specified below, and I hereby create a charge on the said land/interest in land in favour of the bank for securing  the financial assistance which the bank may make and for all future assistance, if any, which the bank make to me together with interest and costs and expenses thereon.








Name of revenue estate

Name of Tehsil

Name of District

Khasra no.

As follows


Not applicable

Area in acres


Schedule of the land

That as Jamabandi for the year 2017-18 the applicant Sh. Mawasi son of Sh. _______________ is the owner in possession of the agrl. land to the extent of 72/175th   share in khewat/khata no.__________ rect no. 67 killa no. 14/2(4-2),15/2(5-18),16/1(1-6), 17/1(0-19), rect no. 80 killa no. 3(8-0), rect no. 81 killa no. 20/2(6-0),  total measuring 26 Kanal 05 Marlas, the share comes to 10 Kanal 16 Marlas,

246/259th share in khewat/khata no. ________, rect no. 76 killa no. 23/2(3-12), 24min(6-16),16/2(5-1), 24min(0-13),25/1(4-13), total measuring 20 Kanal 15 Marlas, the share comes to 12 Kanal 02 Marlas,

  Total measuring 22 Kanal 18 Marlas, situated within the revenue estate of Village ________. 

Encumbrances , if any


Assessment Rupees paisa

Approximate value



Remarks if any










In witnesses where , I …………………….hereunder set my hand  on dated……………..



Signed  and delivered by the above named in the presence of





                                                                                                Signature of declarant-borrower

Attested by

Forwarded with compliments to the Tehsildar /revenue officer/Sub Registrar concerned with a request to include the particulars of charge of Rs.…………………………created under the declaration in the record of rights and to return to the bank for its record.


Syndicate Bank



Returned with compliments to the Manager/agent Syndicate Bank Branch …………………………….. The charge created under the declaration is duly included in the record of rights on  date ………………………


Sub Registrar/Tehsildar/revenue officer 


Sub Registrar

Forwarded with compliments to the sub registrar with a request to record the particulars of charge of Rs.……………………. created under the declaration in his record. .



Syndicate Bank

Branch  …………….


Returned with compliments to the Manager/agent Syndicate Bank Branch …………………………… The charge created under the declaration is duly recorded.


                                                                                                       Sub Registrar

Mutation Letter


The Tehsildar/Sub Registrar,

Sub:   Regarding  entering  of mutation in favour of Syndicate Bank Branch………………..

      This is to inform you  that the property detailed as under  has been mortgaged to us by the applicant for the purpose of ......................................... forRs......................... (...............................................................................)so it is requested to you that the mutation of bank loan in favour of our bank may  kindly  be entered in the revenue record. The details of the property given as under:

Details of the property Mortgaged

          That as Jamabandi for the year 2017-18 the applicant Sh. Mawasi son of Sh. _______________ is the owner in possession of the agrl. land to the extent of 72/175th  share in khewat/khata no.__________ rect no. 67 killa no. 14/2(4-2),15/2(5-18),16/1(1-6), 17/1(0-19), rect no. 80 killa no. 3(8-0), rect no. 81 killa no. 20/2(6-0),  total measuring 26 Kanal 05 Marlas, the share comes to 10 Kanal 16 Marlas,

246/259th share in khewat/khata no. ________, rect no. 76 killa no. 23/2(3-12), 24min(6-16),16/2(5-1), 24min(0-13),25/1(4-13), total measuring 20 Kanal 15 Marlas, the share comes to 12 Kanal 02 Marlas,

  Total measuring 22 Kanal 18 Marlas, situated within the revenue estate of Village ________.


       Syndicate Bank

       Branch …………………..


         It is Certified &confirmed  that the mutation in favour of  Syndicate Bank Branch ………      …………. has been entered in the revenue record as per details mentioned here above vide  rapat No…………..dated…………………………….

      Marked by Sub-Registrar                                                   Signature  of Halka Patwari


I Mawasi son of Sh. ___________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:


1-1- We/I say that We/I have approached Syndicate  Bank Branch   ____________  For the loan facility to the tune of Rs.-------------------------------(Rupees--------------------------------------) initially on the security of my property. In order to assure the bank about the clear title and marketability of the said property and on that basis the bank has to take up the proposal, I/we am furnishing the following declaration and information which are the true and real fact s and the bank can rely upon the same to consider my loan application.

2-  2- That the deponent is the owner in possession of the agrl. land to the extent of 72/175th  share in khewat/khata no.__________ rect no. 67 killa no. 14/2(4-2),15/2(5-18),16/1(1-6), 17/1(0-19), rect no. 80 killa no. 3(8-0), rect no. 81 killa no. 20/2(6-0),  total measuring 26 Kanal 05 Marlas, the share comes to 10 Kanal 16 Marlas,

246/259th share in khewat/khata no. ________, rect no. 76 killa no. 23/2(3-12), 24min(6-16),16/2(5-1), 24min(0-13),25/1(4-13), total measuring 20 Kanal 15 Marlas, the share comes to 12 Kanal 02 Marlas,

  Total measuring 22 Kanal 18 Marlas, situated within the revenue estate of Village ________.

3-    3-I/we say that the said property is not under /subject to any order of injunction or attachment or forfeiture or impounding or any similar order of whatever name/description from any Civil or  Criminal court, sales tax, income tax, revenue recovery of such other authority and I undertake not to do or omit to do any acts which might result in issuing of  any such order on the said property at  any time till the  discharge of my entire liabilities to you.

4-   4- I/we say that the above mentioned property is not the subject matter of any civil suit /litigation either filed by me or filed against me by any family members ,relatives or any other   person.

5-    I/we say that I shall not violate the sanctioned plan and the construction in the above said property will be strictly  as per the same. Further the date of expiry of the license/ permission granted by the competent authority or any extended period will be taken as the date of completion. I hereby agree to obtain and submit  the completion    certificate with in 3 months of completion of construction of the said building . I also      agree that the bank can recall the entire loan with interest, costs and other usual bank charges in case I fail to produce the completion certificate.

6-    That I hereby declare that the built up property being purchased at ( property details) ………………………………………………………… has been constructed as per sanctioned plan and / or building bye law.

7-    We /I say that I have paid all the taxes ,revenue fee etc. up  to date to the authority concerned and not have any arrears of sales tax, income tax, professional tax or any revenue fee due to local authority and no proceedings are pending in any of the courts /tribunals regarding the same.

8-    We /I say that I have not entered into an agreement to sell in favour of any person or institution  in respect of the  above said property.

9-    We/ I say that I have not availed any advance/loan facility from any others person, bank , financial institution in connection with the above said property.

10-We/I further say that I am fully aware that the loan will be sanctioned on the security of the property mentioned above by the Syndicate bank Branch …………………………………….  , purely on the basis of this declaration

11-I  will be liable for civil and criminal prosecution if any one or more of above declaration is /are found false or incorrect.


Verification : Verified that the contents of this affidavit are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at 



That the above said deponent who knows English who has under stood above after being told in Hindi solemnly affirmed  an oath before me on this day   ---------------of-------------  


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