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Reply of election petition for Gram Panchayat | Written statement in election petition

 Reply of election petition for Gram Panchayat 


Smt. ____         V/s          Smt.____and others

Reply to the Election Petition U/s 176 of Haryana panchayati Raj Act 1994 on behalf of respondent no. 1.

Respected Sir,                                                        

The answering respondent no. 1 most respectfully submits as under:-

Preliminary Objections:-

1-    That the petition of the petitioner is not maintainable in the present form against the answering respondent.

2-    That the petitioner has no locus-standi to file the present petition. 

3-    That the petition of the petitioner is not maintainable as the election for the post of Sarpanch for the Gram Panchayat village _______ was carried out in accordance with the law, and all necessary measures were taken to ensure the integrity and impartiality of the election. The election was conducted fairly and impartially, and the result was a true reflection of the will of the voter who elected the respondent no. 1 as their Sarpanch.

4-    That the election petition is also not maintainable on the grounds of want of cause of action. In this case, the allegations made in the present election petition are vague, indefinite, and do not disclose a cause of action. The petitioner has not provided any specific details or evidence to support the allegations. Hence the present petition is liable to be dismissed on the grounds of non-joinder of necessary parties and want of cause of action.

5-    That as per the doctrine of estoppel, a person is estopped from challenging the validity of an election if she/he has participated in the election process and accepted the results without any objections. The petitioner in this case was a candidate in the election and participated in the entire process, including the counting of votes, without raising any objections. It is therefore not open to the petitioner to challenge the validity of the election on the grounds of disorders in the counting of votes at this stage.

6-    That the petition of the petitioner is bad for mis-joinder for unnecessary parties. The respondent no. 1 is unnecessary party and have been joined against the provision of the act.

7-    That the present petition has been filed only cause unnecessary harassment to the respondent.

8-    That the petitioner has not come with the clean hands before this Hon’ble court and he has concealed the true and material facts from this Hon’ble court.

9-    That the petitioner is es-topped from filing the present petition by his own acts, conduct, acquicence, omissions, admission etc.

10-                  That the Hon’ble court has no jurisdiction to try the present petition in view of the provision of the Haryana Panchayat Raj Act.

11-                  That the answering respondent is entitled to the special costs u/s 35-A of C. P. C. from the petitioner for unnecessary harassment by way of false and fictitious litigation.

Reply parawise:-

1-    That the para no. 1 of the petition is matter of record to be proved by the petitioner with cogent evidence.

2-    That the para no. 2 of the petition is also matter of record.

3-    That the para no. 3 of the petition is correct to the extent that the counting of the votes was carried out by the concerned pong party presided by the presiding officer under the supervision of respondents no. 5 to 7. It is wrong and denied that on __________, the presiding officer initially declared the petitioner as wining candidate for the post of Sarpanch of village _____ with the margin of 07 votes and the petitioner and her supporters left the said premises in the joy of win and surprisingly after the declaration of about 15 minutes of the declaration of result in favour of petitioner, the presiding officer declared the respondent no. 1 as winning candidate with the margin of 3 votes against the petitioner for the post of Sarpanch illegally and unlawfully. It is wrong and denied that as per mandates of the vote, the petitioner won the election with the margin of the 07 votes in both the polling booths i.e. booth no. 184 and 185. It is also wrong and denied that  the petitioner also asked the presiding officer on the booth to recount the votes in his presence but the said officer instead to recent the votes straight way declared the respondent no. 1 as Sarpanch and also did not obtain the signatures of the petitioner on the result sheet. It is submitted that all the allegations are baseless, false, and without any merit. The said election for the post of Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat ______ held on _______ was conducted in a free, fair, and transparent manner and without any illegality and there was no complaint of any illegality on the date of election and the respondent was declared winner by margin of one vote. It is further submitted that the counting of the votes was held in the presence of petitioner, his agents, polling staff and respondent. The respondent had obtained 359 votes whereas the petitioner had obtained 356 votes and the answering respondent no. 1was declared as winner rightly and as per the rules of Panchayat election. The respondent no. 1 has also taken her oath after winning for the post of Sarpanch of village ______.

4-    That the para no. 4 of the petition is also wrong and denied as alleged by the petitioner. It is wrong and denied that the petitioner being aggrieved with the illegal action of the concerned presiding officer and the illegal declaration of the result for the post of Sarpanch in favour of the respondent no. 1 moved application to the respondent no. 6 i.e. Distt. Election officer and prayed to him for conducting recount of the votes in presence of the petitioner but the respondent no. 5 to 7 in collusion with the respondent no. 1 did not take any action on the application of the petitioner and the petitioner still has firm belief that the respondents no. to 7 did not conduct the election of the post of Sarpanch in a fair and freed manner and the declaration of result in favour of the respondent no. 1 is invalid and in the present circumstances the scrutiny of the entire record of the votes polled in the election of Sarpanch of village _____ on ______ alongwith the recount/computation of votes recorded in favour of each candidate i.e. petitioner and respondent no. I to 4 is necessary and the petitioner is liable to be declared as elected after the same and the aforesaid declaration of result is illegal, null and void and is liable to be set aside. It is submitted that the result has been correctly declared in favour of the respondent no.1 as the respondent no. 1 won the election by the margin of 3 votes. It is general tendency that defeated candidate always chose to file such type of false election petition against winning candidates. It is further submitted that there was a strong control of police and officers during the entire election time and all the observers were taking care of the election with following all the rules and regulations. It is further submitted that the election was peaceful and without any illegality and there was no complaint of any illegality on the date of election. The election is valid and legal and binding upon all the candidates. Hence there is no question arises of recount the votes.  It is further submitted that the allegations leveled upon the respondents by the petitioner are wrong, illegal and unavoidable, the petition is liable to he dismissed.

5-    That the para no. 5 of the petition is wrong and denied as alleged. It is wrong and denied that the aforesaid illegal act of the respondents no. 1 and 5 to 7 has prejudiced the result of the election and caused it diverted in favour of the respondent no. I and it is deliberate mischief with malafides in order to influence the result of election in favour of the respondent no. 1, which was designed by these persons before hand to procure the desired result in favour of respondent no. 1. It is wrong and denied that if this mischief not committed the result would have been otherwise and respondent no. 1 would not be elected. It is submitted that all the allegations as levelled by the petitioner in this para are false, fabricated and baseless. Rather, administration/election staff did not support anyone in the said election and election was conducted fairly and result of election was not materially affected by the said staff in any manner. The election in question from the beginning was conducted fairly, impartially and legally and the respondent no. 1 was declared legally as elected Sarpanch of village _____ by margin of three votes. No any mischief was committed by anyone.

6-    That the para no. 6 of the plaint is wrong and denied as alleged by the petitioner. The cause of action is false, fabricated and imaginary one. The petitioner has no valid cause of action to file the present petition.

7-    That the para no. 7 of the plaint is legal.

8-    That the prayer para no. 08 of the petition is completely wrong and denied and it is prayed that the petition of the petitioner may kindly be dismissed with costs as the election of village _______ for the post of Sarpanch is legal and biding upon both the candidates. 

               It is therefore, prayed that the petition of the petitioner may kindly be dismissed with costs in the interest of justice.

Verification : Verified that the all contents of Pos and reply parawise of the W/s are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Verified at

              Respondent no.1

      Smt. _____





Through Counsel 

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