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What is complaint under section 97 CrPC | Format of complaint U/s 97 Cr.Pc | search warrant

 What is complaint under section 97 CrPC ?  The section 97 of Cr.Pc states that when a person is confined under certain circumstances, defined therein, the confinement is illegal. If the District Magistrate, S.D.M or Judicial Magistrate of Ist class "has reason to believe that such person is illegally confined", they can issue a search warrant to find that person. Here is the actual format of 97 Crpc complaint which has been filed before the Court of SDM to search of illegal confinement of complainant's minor children.        In the court of Sub Divisional Magistrate, ............. Smt. Savita ...... ….Complainant VERSUS 1. Ajay Singh, 2. Vijay Pal …….Respondent/Accused Application Under Section 97 Cr.P.C. for issuing of Search warrants for recovery of Children (Boy-Aged 3 years & Girl – Aged 9 Months) of the applicant namely Smt. Savita from the wrongful confinement of accused persons.                                                                

What is an affidavit in lieu of evidence in a divorce case?

What is an affidavit in lieu of evidence in a divorce case? Here is the actual format of an affidavit filed in divorce cases.                                          IN THE HON’BLE FAMILY COURT  Rahul Dagar                   …Petitioner No.1 AND Savita                     …Petitioner No.2 PETITION UNDER SECTION 13(B) OF THE HINDU MARRIAGE ACT 1955 AS AMENDED UPTO DATE FOR A DECREE OF DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT. Affidavit I , Savita __________________ , the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1.    That the deponent is the petitioner no. 2 in the accompany petition and she is well conversant with the facts and circumstances in the case and as such she is fully competent to swear this affidavit. 2.    That the accompany petition U/s 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 for divorce by way of mutual consent has been drafted by my counsel under my instructions and the contents thereof have also been explained to me which are true and corr

Draft of contempt petition | Application for court of contempt Under Order 39 Rule 2-A C.P.C

Draft of contempt petition | Application for court of contempt Under Order 39 Rule 2-A C.P.C First of all we learn that What Is Contempt of Court? Contempt of court is an act of disobedience toward a court court order on behalf of a defendant. Contempt of court can either be civil or criminal in nature. Hereinbelow we will discuss about contempt of court which is civil in nature.  What is the punishment for contempt of court? According to the Act, contempt of court may be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees, or with both, provided that the accused may be discharged or the punishment awarded may be remitted on apology being made to the satisfaction of the court. Here is the actual format of an application for court of contempt Under Order 39 Rule 2-A C.P.C which was filed before the Hon'ble court in a case of permanent injunction in which the court already passed an order of stay.     IN TH